There are a lot of great photos hidden in the forests around Nuremberg.

There are a lot of great photos hidden in the forests around Nuremberg.
This autumn have also been some really nice mornings at the Hainberg near Nuremberg.
Autumn brings always wonderful colors in the forests around Nuremberg. It is really a special time of the year.
New pictures from Finland!
We added pictures from the late summer in Finland to the new page Finland 2023 – Summer.
Our new Calendar Nürnberg 2024 is now available in the Mauthalle in Nürnberg, at Korn & Berg at the Hauptmarkt und online at the online shop of the Nürnberger Nachrichten.
The dental practice of Dr. Jörg Hamel is currently showing selected exhibits on the premises of the practice in the exhibition “Favorite Places”.
In our gallery Germany – Miscellaneous you can find some pictures of the spring in the region.